You walk up to the parents and kids huddled away from the fire, some with tears in their eyes.
You try talking to them, but most of them are in shock. You mention Haley to the adults,
wondering if any of them have seen her escape the fire, but no one gives you a straight answer.
They shake their heads and look away.
You assume the worst now that Haley is nowhere in sight. You retreat from the scene. You can't be around it anymore.
As you're walking away you feel someone grab your shoulder. You turn to find your friend who called you earlier, he seems out of breath.
"I got here as fast as I could!" You let him calm down before he could speak again.
" I don't know if you remember but I - I can send you back if you're willing," Your memory's a blur.
You might have remembered something like this. " I can't go back, but i can send you back.
Only thing is that if i do send you back, you'll feel a little more exhausted and drained than before. "